How everything emerges from one source, one principle and one mathematic formula.
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is seek to use one principle and one mathematical formula to explain and derive all observed natural laws and phenomena. READ MORE
How can the brain or other parts of the body have conscious experience? This is one of the biggest mysteries in science, called the hard problem of consciousness. Our research reveals that consciousness is a quantum phenomenon. READ MORE
Can we scientifically study the soul? Find out how to give soul a scientific definition and use quantum physics to study the character, quality, and behavior of the soul. READ MORE
How do the observed natural laws and phenomena come into existence? Why can we use mathematics to describe them so well? Why does time have a direction? Why is a unified theory possible? READ MORE
What is space and time? Does space and time exist? Why does time have a direction? What is the relationship between creation and spacetime? READ MORE
Who are we? Where do we come from? What are we made of? How does everything come into existence? These are the mysteries that science and spirituality have explored with different approaches for centuries. READ MORE
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